ASD Technologies is a team of specialists with over 10 years of experience in developing personal accounts/self-service portals for fintech, telecom operators and service providers. We have successfully implemented over 100 IT projects for companies such as Vodafone, Veon, Novakid, Mirantis, Stratoscale, etc.
Компании, которые нам доверяют

Self-service web-cabinets and cloud storage solutions

и еще 100 компаний
Истории успеха
Решение для финтеха
Для сервис-провайдеров
BI решения
Облачные решения
Проект по внедрению личного кабинета пользователя персонального облачного хранилища Билайн. Решение полностью интегрировано с инфраструктурой оператора и подключается абонентами через мобильное приложение или сайт компании. Личный кабинет доступен на платформах Android, iOS и Web.
Персональное облачное хранилище для Vodafone Turkey
В рамках проекта был внедрён личный кабинет для пользователей персонального облачного хранилища Vodafone Turkey. Посредством личного кабинета пользователи могут загружать свои цифровые данные в облако и управлять ими. Решение развёрнуто на инфраструктуре заказчика и интегрировано с его внутренними системами, что обеспечивает полную безопасность и надёжность хранения данных. Доступные платформы: Android и iOS.
Личный кабинет для МегаДиска (Мегафон)
Команда ASD Tech внедрила личный кабинет для пользователей облачного хранилища МегаДиск ( мобильного оператора Мегафон. Решение развёрнуто на инфраструктуре заказчика и интегрировано с его биллинговой системой. Личный кабинет даёт абонентам широкие возможности для хранения, доступа, синхронизации и резервного копирования медиа данных пользователей. Доступные платформы: Веб / Android / iOS.
Личный кабинет для КРОК Диска
В данном проекте наша команда создала личный кабинет клиентов и партнёров КРОК - пользователей хранилища КРОК Диск ( Личный кабинет используется клиентами для управления корпоративными данными и тарификацией. Решение интегрировано с облачным биллингом и внутренними финансовыми системами заказчика. Пользователи могут подключаться к личному кабинету посредством веб-клиента.
Персональное облачное хранилище для LG
Один из наших сложнейших проектов - создание персонального облачного хранилища LG Cloud. Разработанное нами решение было развёрнуто в дата-центрах в нескольких регионах, чтобы обеспечить быстрый и бесперебойный доступ к данным для пользователей устройств LG по всему миру. Сервис доступен на платформах Android, iOS и LG Smart TV
Система управления файлами сотрудников для Nexon Korea
Мы разработали Личный кабинет управления и обмена файлами в качестве замены сервису Dropbox. Облако развёрнуто в собственном дата-центре заказчика, а доступ к файлам возможен из внутренней и внешней сети компании. Решение было интегрировано с внутренними системами заказчика, клиентские приложения брендированы под фирменный стиль Nexon. Количество пользователей облака >5 тыс. человек. Доступные платформы: Android, iOS, Web, Win, MacOS
Личный кабинет для Облака Билайн
Our clients
And 100 more
Contact us
And we will discuss the details of your project

Личные кабинеты и
облачные решения

Our success stories
Cloud storage solutions
For service-providers
BI solutions
ASD Technologies - команда специалистов с более чем 10-летним опытом разработки личных кабинетов / порталов самообслуживания для финтеха, телеком-операторов и сервис-провайдеров. Мы успешно реализовали свыше 100 ИТ-проектов для таких компаний как Vodafone, Билайн, БЖФ, Мегафон, IBS
Компании, которые нам доверяют

Личные кабинеты и
облачные решения

и еще 100 компаний
Истории успеха
Решение для финтеха
Для сервис-провайдеров
BI решения
Облачные решения
It is a project to introduce a personal account for a user of Veon personal cloud storage. The solution is fully integrated with the operator's infrastructure and is connected by users through a mobile application or the company's website. The personal account is available on Android, iOS and Web platforms.
Personal cloud storage for Vodafone
As part of this project, a personal account was introduced to users of the Vodafone personal cloud storage. Through a personal account, users can upload their digital data to the cloud and manage it. The solution is deployed on the customer's infrastructure and integrated with its internal systems, which ensures complete security and reliability of data storage. Available platforms: Android and iOS, Web
Personal account for MegaDisk
The ASD Tech team has implemented a personal account for MegaDisk cloud storage users of the Megafon mobile operator. The solution is deployed on the customer's infrastructure and integrated with its billing system. A personal account gives users ample opportunities for storing, accessing, synchronizing and backing up user media data. Available platforms: Web/Android/iOS.
Personal cloud storage for LG
One of our most challenging projects was the creation of a personal cloud storage LG Cloud. The solution we developed was deployed in data centers in several regions to provide fast and uninterrupted access to data for users of LG devices around the world. The service is available on Android, iOS and LG Smart TV platforms.
Employee file management system for Nexon Korea
We developed a self-service portal for file management and sharing as a replacement for Dropbox service. The cloud is deployed in the customer's own data center, and files can be accessed from the company's internal and external network. The solution was integrated with the customer's internal systems, client applications were branded with Nexon corporate style. The number of cloud users is more than 5k. Available platforms: Android, iOS, Web, Win, MacOS
Personal account for Veon Cloud
ASD Technologies - команда специалистов с более чем 10-летним опытом разработки личных кабинетов / порталов самообслуживания для финтеха, телеком-операторов и сервис-провайдеров. Мы успешно реализовали свыше 100 ИТ-проектов для таких компаний как Vodafone, Билайн, БЖФ, Мегафон, IBS
Компании, которые нам доверяют

Личные кабинеты и
облачные решения

и еще 100 компаний
Истории успеха
Решение для финтеха
Для сервис-провайдеров
BI решения
Облачные решения
The ASD Tech team developed a secure file transfer platform for the American US startup Alltana. Through the personal account users can send each other files of any size using encryption/decryption, which is performed by a special client application. Our team developed both the client application and the server part for the platform. The solution is integrated with various cloud storage services such as Dropbox and OneDrive and is accessible to users via a web interface.
Self-service web-cabinet for Alltana service
Our team has developed a personal account of the parents and teachers for Novakid, the EU's leading online English school for children up to 12 years old. In the personal account you can see data on payments, completed classes of the child, data on progress. Teachers can manage class schedules, statistics of lessons, personal accounts, reference materials. Web interface, as well as Android and iOS applications are used to access the LRC.
Personal account for parents and teachers for Novakid
ASD Technologies - команда специалистов с более чем 10-летним опытом разработки личных кабинетов / порталов самообслуживания для финтеха, телеком-операторов и сервис-провайдеров. Мы успешно реализовали свыше 100 ИТ-проектов для таких компаний как Vodafone, Билайн, БЖФ, Мегафон, IBS
Компании, которые нам доверяют

Личные кабинеты и
облачные решения

и еще 100 компаний
Истории успеха
Решение для финтеха
Для сервис-провайдеров
BI решения
Облачные решения
This project is about developing a business intelligence system for Novakid, the EU's leading online English school. The main feature of the system is the use of multiple data sources for analysis, such as Google Analytics, payment systems, internal financial systems, website databases and others. The following groups of metrics were selected for comprehensive platform analysis: marketing metrics, sales funnel metrics, teacher performance and availability metrics, as well as metrics to analyze student performance. All metrics are visualized in the form of convenient dashboards. The total volume of the processed data is more than 35 Gb. Project technologies: Python, PostgreSQL, Grafana.
This project is about developing BI-system for the HeadHunter Group. The goal of the project was to analyze competitors in terms of advertising volume, analyze the distribution of clients' budgets across different publications, and obtain lists of new clients. To achieve it our team has implemented a module for parsing competitor websites and classified publications with automatic linking of the found jobs and companies to a unified rubricator. To visualize the collected and processed information a special web interface was created. Project technologies: Python, Mysql, MS SQL Server BI, SAP Crystal Reports.
Access interfaces to the Novakid BI system
Request details about the project
Project development and implementation of clients applications
Applications are created individually for each customer for all necessary platforms
Re-engineering the existing personal account
Analyze and redesign (e.g., only client applications) an already implemented solution on a case-by-case basis
Implementing and configuring or the server part
Possible usage of ready-made modules and implementation of new ones for specific requirements
Our expertise
We offer
Full-cycle development of personal accounts for clients, partners and/or employees
Why implement a self-service web-cabinet?
What is a self-service web-cabinet?
How does a web-cabinet work?
How does it work? A web-cabinet is a user's personal space within a platform or service. At personal account, the user can see incoming information from the platform, send requests and inquiries, track the status, interact with employees of the organization, as well as find background information.
Nowadays people are used to receiving services in the most convenient conditions possible. They use services from mobile operators, online stores, taxi, and food ordering services, and more every day. They know what a good service looks like, and they know how important it is. Introducing a web-cabinet will make your services more attractive to your customers.
A web-cabinet usually consists of three levels:
User level, where basic support and communication tools
in the form of client applications are implemented. For example, a web application, a mobile application, or a chatbot.
Server level, where the business logic of query
processing is usually implemented to provide the user with basic services, as well as integration of external and internal systems and marketplaces.
System level, that contains internal enterprise
systemsthat store, process and output information for the user - CRM, ABS, ERP.System level, that contains internal enterprise systems
Typical development cycle of a personal account
Business analysis
Clarification of all requirements, preparing a business and functional specification
UI/UX design
Client application
Server part
Development and coordination of integrations, ways of interaction of systems and APIs
Development of interface design according to the corporate style and needs
Implementation of applications using modern technologies: React, Kotlin, Swift
Development of middle layer and API, integration of the server part with customer services and systems
Connection of additional services (recognition of document scans, etc.).

Documentation and deployment of the solution, user training
Client application
Development cycle
Implementation of applications using modern technologies: React, Kotlin, Swift
Разработаем дизайн интерфейсов, учитывая фирменный стиль и потребности
Development of middle layer and API, integration of the server part with customer services and systems
Connection of additional services (recognition of document scans, etc.).
How do we work
Fixed price
Project work with a fixed contract cost
We always choose a communication model the most suitable for our clients
Dedicated team
Team extension
Hybrid model
Connecting a dedicated team with a fixed monthly cost of work
Engaging individual specialists (expanding the customer's team) with an hourly fee
A combination of these or other approaches
Contact us
And we will discuss the details of your project together
Why us?
Extensive expertise in cloud technology. We develop solutions with a focus on advanced approaches and platforms (BigData, OpenStack, AWS), and we constantly invest our specialists' time in training and R&D
Strong technical team - 100+ engineers specializing in Python, React/Angular/Vue, DevOps, QA Automation, BI
Speed of creation and scalability of teams - we are ready to assemble the right team for the project in the shortest time possible
More than 10 years on the market. We have a proven experience of working on large international projects. For example, Vodafone cloud MAU with over 1M users
Our team
And 100 more experts
Dmitrii Malin
Head of Sales
Sun Ung Lee
Dmitrii Voronin